Our Story

Why us?

A trusted & transparent company ingrained with a proud family history.

We have worked tirelessly to build our brand through good honest dealings and outcomes on behalf of both seller and buyer and have successfully gained a reputation of reliability, being highly trustworthy and transparent.

The Smith Agri International brand encompasses a family lineage of reliability, leadership and trustworthiness which proudly includes great-great-grandfather, Thomas Smith (President, 8 Hour Pioneers who delivered the 8-hour working day in 1856), great-grandfather, Fredrick D. Smith (Surveyor of Victoria’s high country amongst the worlds then tallest forests, circa 1880 - 1900), grandfather, Oscar F. Smith, WW1 AIF hero (1916- 1919) and Melbourne property surveyor (1921- 1960), father, Ronald O. Smith, community leader and career Survey Design Draftsman with MMBW (1950- 1990).

We work tirelessly for our clients and recognise that our support covers any and all forms of advice during our engagement. Our cemented ‘in-culture’ commitment is focused on 'delivering solutions, not problems'.

This holistically includes; engagement with our clients lawyers, accountants, financial advisors, banks, farming professionals, creditors (if needed), independent experts, capital market connections in support of bridging finance (if needed) among any other third-party support that may be required, asset dependent.

Through our guaranteed commitment to our clients, you can be assured that we not only have ‘skin in the game’, but an unwavering resolve to deliver you the best possible outcome upon the most favourable terms. Clients trust us, sophisticated investors trust us, banks and industry professionals trust us, and our business’ success is inherently linked to the success of our clients and the favourable transactions we deliver.
We don’t waste the time of sophisticated investors until we have the right ‘institutional-grade’ asset to suit their investment parameters; hence, when we do reach out, they readily engage.


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Our Senior Team

Why us?

A trusted & transparent company ingrained with a proud family history.

Smith Agri International guarantees our clients strict confidentiality, and absolute transparency throughout our engagement (pre-sale to post-sale). 

Our team’s diverse background ranges from being raised on a horticultural farm, to extensive hands-on asset management and experience managing in-field teams of 30+, to an in-depth understanding of the complete agribusiness value supply chain. 

Our unique specialisation in supply chain logistics (farm gate to global market) sets Smith Agri International apart from less mobile corporate agencies. 

Internationally, our team has extensive on-the-ground experience in the Americas, Asia and Europe, and ongoing key appointments see us dealing and trading harvested produce globally on a daily basis in support of those ongoing engagements.

Our commitment to regular networking with our sophisticated contacts, attendance and presentations at international Agribusiness Investment Forums spans over 20 years and underpins our long established links to these active markets which enables us on behalf of our clients to identify and anticipate, market developments and trends impacting the wider agribusiness sector.